Eric Walker added a number of links to Systematic detection of horizontal gene transfer across genera among multidrug-resistant bacteria in a single hospital, and added Systematic detection of horizontal gene transfer across genera among multidrug-resistant bacteria in a single hospital to Horizontal gene transfer (HGT)
Eric Walker added 2020-03 Proton Motive Force Disruptors Block Bacterial Competence and Horizontal Gene Transfer, 2019-09 Ciprofloxacin facilitates the transfer of XDR plasmids from commensal E. coli into epidemic fluoroquinolone-resistant Shigella sonnei and 2020-04 Systematic detection of horizontal gene transfer across genera among multidrug-resistant bacteria in a single hospital and a number of links to Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), and added Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) to Genes, genetics and epigenetics