Eric Walker changed the title of Failed to fetch title to "Carved turtle found in Galilee cave may have been worshipped 35,000 years before Christianity"
Eric Walker added Failed to fetch title to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "A children's toy from 18,000 BCE, France. Spinning it quickly would make the animal look like it was running"
Eric Walker added Reddit - Dive into anything to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Why don’t cave paintings depict human on human violence or warfare?"
Eric Walker added Reddit - Dive into anything to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Prehistoric clay bisons in the Le Tuc d'Audoubert cave at Ariege, France. Estimated 14,000 years old. (1280x940)"
Eric Walker added Reddit - Dive into anything to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker removed An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar from Reading, writing and literature
Eric Walker placed An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar under Origins of writing
Eric Walker placed An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar under Reading, writing and literature
Eric Walker removed Art of the Upper Paleolithic from Londoner solves 20,000-year Ice Age drawings mystery - BBC News
Eric Walker placed An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar under Calendars
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar to be "2023"
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar to be "2023"
Eric Walker added Venus figurines of Kostyonki - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Venus of Moravany - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Venus of Petřkovice - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Venus of Brassempouy - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Venus of Lespugue - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Venus of Laussel - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Art of the Upper Paleolithic - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Prehistoric art - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Lubang Jeriji Saléh - Wikipedia to Art of the Upper Paleolithic and Lubang Jeriji Saléh
Eric Walker added Art of the Upper Paleolithic and World's oldest known cave painting found in Indonesia - France 24 to Prehistoric art, and added Prehistoric art to Art, music, sculpture, architecture and design
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Upper Paleolithic, and added Upper Paleolithic to Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Löwenmensch figurine and Venus of Hohle Fels and a number of links to Art of the Upper Paleolithic, and added Art of the Upper Paleolithic to Prehistoric art and Upper Paleolithic
Eric Walker added Lion-man - Wikipedia to Löwenmensch figurine, and added Löwenmensch figurine to Aurignacian, Art of the Upper Paleolithic and Hohlenstein-Stadel (cave)
Eric Walker added a number of links to Venus of Hohle Fels, and added Venus of Hohle Fels to Aurignacian, Hohle Fels and Art of the Upper Paleolithic