Eric Walker placed President Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo under Nicolás Maduro
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for President Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo to be "2023-12"
Eric Walker removed "Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo" from President Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo
Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for President Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo
Eric Walker added "President Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo" to Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo to be "2023"
Eric Walker added Maduro announces the annexation of Essequibo to Guyana and Venezuela
Eric Walker added Guyana and Venezuela to Bilateral and multilateral relations with Venezuela