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Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Kevin Roberts and Project 2025 to be "2022"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Kevin Roberts and Project 2025 to be "2024"

Eric Walker changed the title of Failed to fetch title to "Leader of the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution"

Eric Walker changed the title of Failed to fetch title to "This is the clip that should be shared, it’s directly from the “News” sources website and does not have the glitch of video stopping as he says bloodless."

Eric Walker changed the title of Failed to fetch title to "Conservative Heritage leader: ‘Second American Revolution’ will be bloodless ‘if the left allows it to be’"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation to be "2021"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation to be "0001"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation to be "2024"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation to be "2024"