Eric Walker placed Climate change and vanilla under Vanilla
Eric Walker added Climate change and vanilla to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker added Climate change and bananas to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker placed Climate change and industrial agriculture under Corporate agriculture
Eric Walker added Climate change and industrial agriculture to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker placed Climate change and tea under Tea
Eric Walker added Climate change and tea to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker changed the title of Failed to fetch title to "Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks"
Eric Walker added Failed to fetch title to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker added Climate change and olives to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker added Climate change and oranges to Climate change, agriculture and food security
Eric Walker added Eating Our Way to Extinction | Official Documentary - YouTube to a number of topics
Eric Walker added Pakistan Burns At 50°C: Can It Turn The Heat Down On Climate Change? | Insight - YouTube to a number of topics
Eric Walker added Opinion | How Bad Is the Global Food Crisis Going to Get? - The New York Times to a number of topics