Eric Walker added mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa | Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | Oxford Academic to Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), 2019-12 A mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa and Tetracycline
Eric Walker added mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa | Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | Oxford Academic to A mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa, and added A mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa to Antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae
Eric Walker added 2019-12 A mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa, 2019-08 FDA approves use of lefamulin to treat community-acquired pneumonia and 2019-07 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute study on Pneumococcal lineages and antibiotic resistance and a number of links to Antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, and added Antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae to Gram-positive bacteria, Bacterial pneumonia and Antibiotic-resistant bacteria