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Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Sailfish: Rust's fastest template engine, 200x faster than handlebars"

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Pros and cons of rust web template engines?"

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "WARP or AXUM for microservices in production? Tell me your experience."

Eric Walker added [

    Why is my Rust build so slow?
]( to [Rust and web development](/topics/MgW8yZS7ntfkb7bkgKcpN5nDaQXAv33aACcoJzDdTo1)

Eric Walker added [

    Migrating from warp to axum
]( to [Rust and web development](/topics/MgW8yZS7ntfkb7bkgKcpN5nDaQXAv33aACcoJzDdTo1)