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Eric Walker removed the time prefix "2022" from Assistance provided to Ukraine during the Russian invasion

Eric Walker changed the title of - YouTube to "Disappointing Systems in Ukraine - From imprecise precision munitions to explosive IFVs"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for The United States to send ATACMS to Ukraine to be "2023"

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for The United States to send ATACMS to Ukraine

Eric Walker added "The United States to send ATACMS to Ukraine" to Request by Ukraine for ATACMS

Eric Walker added "United States provides Patriot missile defense systems to Ukraine" to United States close to providing Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Countries provide fighter jets to Ukraine

Eric Walker added "Countries provide fighter jets to Ukraine" to Poland provides Ukraine with fighter jets

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Poland provides Ukraine with fighter jets

Eric Walker added "Poland provides Ukraine with fighter jets" to Ukraine asks countries to provide fighter jets

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Ukraine asks countries to provide fighter jets to be "2023"