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Eric Walker updated the time prefix for ELEEK Atom to be "2022"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for ELEEK Atom to be "2023"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Electric cars to be "1996"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Electric cars to be "2023"

Eric Walker removed "Sony Honda Mobility CEO" from Sony Honda Mobility

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Sony Honda Mobility

Eric Walker added "Sony Honda Mobility" to Sony Honda Mobility CEO

Eric Walker added Electric aircraft, Electric cars and ELEEK Atom and a number of links to Electric vehicles (EVs), and added Electric vehicles (EVs) to Vehicles

Eric Walker added a number of links to Electric cars, and added Electric cars to Electric vehicles (EVs)

Eric Walker added a number of links to Electric aircraft, and added Electric aircraft to Electric vehicles (EVs) and Aircraft

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Vehicles, and added Vehicles to Transportation and locomotion and Devices, machines, vehicles and robots