Eric Walker placed Social housing in the United States under Affordable housing in the United States
Eric Walker added Social housing in the United States to Social housing
Eric Walker removed Social housing from Lessons From a Renters’ Utopia - The New York Times
Eric Walker placed Social housing in Vienna under Social housing
Eric Walker added Lessons From a Renters’ Utopia - The New York Times to Social housing
Eric Walker added 03/23 | Jean-Baptiste André Godin - Le Familistere De Guise - YouTube to Social housing and Socialism
Eric Walker added Vienna's Affordable Housing Paradise | HuffPost to Vienna and Social housing
Eric Walker added 03/23 | Jean-Baptiste André Godin - Le Familistere De Guise - YouTube and Vienna's Affordable Housing Paradise | HuffPost to Social housing, and added Social housing to Affordable housing
Eric Walker added Affordable housing in the United States, 2019 Oregon zoning law concerning single-family housing and Social housing and a number of links to Affordable housing, and added Affordable housing to Urban planning, real estate and housing markets