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Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Execution of Joe Arridy to be "1939-01"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Execution of Joe Arridy to be "1939"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Execution of Joe Arridy to be "2024"

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Execution of Joe Arridy

Eric Walker added "Execution of Joe Arridy" to Trial and execution of Joe Arridy

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Trial and execution of Joe Arridy to be "2024"

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Gravestone of George Johnson who was unjustly hanged in Arizona."

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Man wrongly jailed for murder released after 17 years in prison , that’s the look on his face upon release."

Eric Walker added a number of links to Miscarriages of justice, and added Miscarriages of justice to Crime and law enforcement

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Crime and law enforcement, and added Crime and law enforcement to Laws, legislation and legal systems