Eric Walker added Rent control to Lessons From a Renters’ Utopia - The New York Times
Eric Walker added Rent freeze plan to tackle cost-of-living crisis in Scotland - BBC News to Rent control
Eric Walker added French National Assembly approves bill to boost purchasing power to Rent control
Eric Walker added Rent Control’s Winners and Losers | Stanford Graduate School of Business to Rent control
Eric Walker added Rent control: Does it work? - BBC News to Foreign investment in housing markets and Rent control
Eric Walker added Reckonings; A Rent Affair to Rent control and Paul Krugman and the New York Times
Eric Walker added Rent control in the United States and Universal rent control and a number of links to Rent control, and added Rent control to Urban planning, real estate and housing markets
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Urban planning, real estate and housing markets, and added Urban planning, real estate and housing markets to Urban planning, layout and development and Economics
Eric Walker added Rent control in New York, Rent control in California and 2019 Oregon rent control bill and a number of links to Rent control in the United States, and added Rent control in the United States to Housing in the United States and Rent control
Eric Walker added Progressives Push for Universal Rent Control in New York to Universal rent control, and added Universal rent control to Rent control