Recent activity


Eric Walker added "Online dating" to Dating apps

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Distributed systems

Eric Walker added "Distributed systems" to Distributed computing

Eric Walker placed Audiovisual software under Sound and phonons

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Parsers and interpreters

Eric Walker added "Parsers and interpreters" to Parsing and parsers

Eric Walker removed Elasticsearch from Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Storage and databases, and added Storage and databases to Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of links to Distributed computing, and added Distributed computing to Computer networking and Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of links to Architectural software, and added Architectural software to Architectural styles and Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of links to Parsing and parsers, and added Parsing and parsers to Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of links to Elasticsearch, and added Elasticsearch to Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of links to Zoom (application), and added Zoom (application) to Applications and software

Eric Walker added a number of links to Golang libraries and projects, and added Golang libraries and projects to Applications and software and Golang

Eric Walker added Golang and Docker and a number of links to Docker, and added Docker to Applications and software

Eric Walker added Dgraph and a number of links to Graph databases, and added Graph databases to Storage and databases and Applications and software

Eric Walker added TikTok in the United States and a number of links to TikTok, and added TikTok to ByteDance, Applications and software and Social media

Eric Walker added Gitlab, Git and Branching workflows and a number of links to Source control, and added Source control to Applications and software