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Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Above average temperatures in the Antarctic to be "2024-07"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Above average temperatures in the Antarctic to be "2024-07"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Above average temperatures in the Antarctic to be "2024-01"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Above average temperatures in the Antarctic to be "2024-08"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Above average temperatures in the Antarctic to be "2024"

Eric Walker placed Heatwaves in 2024 under 2024

Eric Walker placed Heatwave in the Middle East under Middle East

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Heatwave in the Middle East to be "2024-06"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Heatwave in the Middle East to be "2024"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Heatwave in the Middle East to be "2024"

Eric Walker removed Heatwaves in 2024 from Failed to fetch title

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Heatwave in North America to be "2024-06"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Heatwave in North America to be "2024-07"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Heatwave in North America to be "2024"