Eric Walker added Mitochondria to A 21-year-old bodybuilder consumed a chemical known as 2,4-DNP over several months, leading to his death from multi-organ failure. His chronic use, combined with anabolic steroids, underscored a preoccupation with physical appearance and suggested a psychiatric condition called muscle dysmorphia.
Eric Walker added Mitochondria are flinging their DNA into our brain cells, study shows to Mitochondria
Eric Walker added Mitochondria and the origin of eukaryotes | Ars Technica to Eukaryotes, Mitochondria and Prokaryotes
Eric Walker added Quanta Magazine to a number of topics
Eric Walker added Reproductive medicine: The power of three : Nature News & Comment to Mitochondria
Eric Walker added Scientists make precise gene edits to mitochondrial DNA for first time to a number of topics
Eric Walker added Animal that doesn't need oxygen to survive discovered | New Scientist to Mitochondria
Eric Walker added Mitochondrion - Wikipedia to Mitochondria
Eric Walker added Cells’ mitochondria work much like Tesla battery packs, study finds | UCLA to Mitochondria
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Microbes and microbiology, and added Microbes and microbiology to Biology
Eric Walker added a number of links to Mitochondria, and added Mitochondria to Microbes and microbiology