Eric Walker added Development of a bedside tool to predict the probability of drug-resistant pathogens among hospitalized adult patients with gram-negative infections | BMC Infectious Diseases | Full Text to 2019-08 Development of a bedside tool to predict the probability of drug-resistant pathogens among hospitalized adult patients with gram-negative infections
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Diagnosis, surveillance and epidemiology of drug-resistant infections, and added Diagnosis, surveillance and epidemiology of drug-resistant infections to Infectious disease (ID) and Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Eric Walker added Predicting Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Infections in Hospitalized Adults - Infectious Disease Advisor and Development of a bedside tool to predict the probability of drug-resistant pathogens among hospitalized adult patients with gram-negative infections | BMC Infectious Diseases | Full Text to Development of a bedside tool to predict the probability of drug-resistant pathogens among hospitalized adult patients with gram-negative infections, and added Development of a bedside tool to predict the probability of drug-resistant pathogens among hospitalized adult patients with gram-negative infections to Diagnosis, surveillance and epidemiology of drug-resistant infections