Recent activity


Eric Walker added [

    Variadic generics, again · PoignardAzur
]( to [Development of the Rust language](/topics/wdcOHhLmEb8jGKVSwMRzTRopgA9ABj4RiPOyVeKBGsf)

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Is the development of Rust slow?"

Eric Walker removed "Rust Foundation" from Rust Project

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Rust Project

Eric Walker added "Rust Project" to Rust Foundation

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "The registers of Rust"

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "Who "owns" Rust ?"

Eric Walker changed the title of Reddit - Dive into anything to "[media] I spent time porting rust to the Nntendo DS"