Recent activity


Eric Walker added "A-50 MAINSTAY" to Beriev A-50

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Beriev A-50 to be "1978"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Beriev A-50 to be "2023"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Beriev A-50 to be "2023"

Eric Walker removed Shaanxi KJ-500 from "Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft" (deleted)

Eric Walker added "Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft" to Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C)

Eric Walker added "Izdeliye PM" to Beriev A-100

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Beriev A-100 to be "2017"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Beriev A-100 to be "2023"