Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Post-truth politics
Eric Walker added "Post-truth politics" to Post-truth era
Eric Walker added Post-truth era to Epistemology
Eric Walker added Epistemology to [ Feelings are Facts: Love, Privacy, and the Politics of Intellectual Shame
Eric Walker added Opinion | How to Destroy Truth - The New York Times to Epistemology
Eric Walker added Opinion | The Rotting of the Republican Mind - The New York Times to a number of topics
Eric Walker added Theory of Intuitive Epistemology - Oxford Scholarship to Epistemology
Eric Walker added Epistemological nihilism and a number of links to Epistemology, and added Epistemology to Philosophy and Knowledge
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Philosophy, and added Philosophy to Philosophies, social movements, political movements, ideologies and dispositions and Science, engineering, mathematics and the humanities
Eric Walker added a number of topics to Knowledge, and added Knowledge to Everything
Eric Walker added Opinion | Margaret Atwood’s Dystopia, and Ours - The New York Times to Epistemological nihilism, and added Epistemological nihilism to Epistemology and Modernity