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Computer scientists and software developers
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Computer science
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1815 Ada Lovelace
Computer scientists and software developers
1912 Alan Turing
Computer scientists and software developers
1916 Claude Shannon
Computer scientists and software developers
1935 Douglas Carl Engelbart
Computer scientists and software developers
1938 Donald Knuth
Computer scientists and software developers
1940 Alan Kay
Computer scientists and software developers
1941 Dennis Ritchie
Computer scientists and software developers
1947 Geoffrey Hinton
Computer scientists and software developers
1954 John Ousterhout
Computer scientists and software developers
1960 Anders Hejlsberg
Computer scientists and software developers
Bret Victor
Computer scientists and software developers
David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH)
Computer scientists and software developers
Douglas McIlroy
Computer scientists and software developers
Francis Irving
Computer scientists and software developers
Jeff Atwood
Computer scientists and software developers
Joel Spolsky
Computer scientists and software developers
People in business
John Carmack
Computer scientists and software developers
John von Neumann
Computer scientists and software developers
Jon Gjengset
Computer scientists and software developers
Joy Buolamwini
Computer scientists and software developers
Ken Thompson
Computer scientists and software developers
Lawrence Gordon Tesler
Computer scientists and software developers
Linus Torvalds
Computer scientists and software developers
Mike Bostock
Computer scientists and software developers
Paul Le Roux
Computer scientists and software developers
Peter Norvig
Computer scientists and software developers
Rich Hickey
Computer scientists and software developers
Richard Matthew Stallman
Computer scientists and software developers
Rob Pike
Computer scientists and software developers
Robert C Martin
Computer scientists and software developers
Salvatore Sanfilippo
Computer scientists and software developers
Sriram Sankararaman
Computer scientists and software developers
Tim Berners-Lee
Computer scientists and software developers
Vint Cerf
Computer scientists and software developers
Yoshua Bengio
Computer scientists and software developers
Robert G. Gallager - Wikipedia
Computer scientists and software developers
Turing Award Won by Three Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence - The New York Times
Computer scientists and software developers
Vannevar Bush - Wikipedia
Computer scientists and software developers