Recent activity


Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Artemis program to be "2017"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Artemis program to be "2024"

Eric Walker added Moon landings to Earth's moon

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Chandrayaan-3 to be "2023"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Chandrayaan-3 to be "2023"

Eric Walker added Chandrayaan-3 to Earth's moon

Eric Walker added a number of links to Artemis program, and added Artemis program to Earth's moon

Eric Walker added Earth's moon, Earth's core and Seismology of Earth and a number of links to Earth (planet), and added Earth (planet) to Solar system and Planets

Eric Walker added Yutu 2 and Artemis program and a number of links to Earth's moon, and added Earth's moon to Earth (planet)