Eric Walker placed Skepticism of LENR claims under Scientific skepticism
Eric Walker added Skepticism of LENR claims to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added Journal of New Energy to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added Cold fusion: A case study for scientific behavior to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) and Pathological science
Eric Walker added Lessons from cold fusion, 30 years on to a number of topics
Eric Walker added Google LENR research, LENR glow discharge experiments and LENR researchers and a number of links to LENR research, and added LENR research to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added Frank Gordon's Lattice Energy Converter to LENR patents and inventions, and added LENR patents and inventions to Alternative energy and Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added Ultra Low Momentum Neutron Catalyzed Nuclear Reactions on Metallic Hydride Surfaces and LENR Theorist Lewis Larsen Dies | New Energy Times to Widom and Larson's claims of ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions, and added Widom and Larson's claims of ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added a number of links to NASA LENR experiments, and added NASA LENR experiments to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), and added Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to Cutting-edge science, fringe science and pseudoscience and Nuclear physics and engineering
Eric Walker added a number of links to Early cold fusion experiments, and added Early cold fusion experiments to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added a number of links to HERMES Project, and added HERMES Project to Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Nuclear physics and engineering, and added Nuclear physics and engineering to Engineering and Physics