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Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
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1933 Cormac McCarthy
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Arthur Koestler
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Charles Dickens
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Christopher Leonard
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
David Sedaris
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Denis Diderot
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Philosophers and public intellectuals
Dmitry Orlov (writer)
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Dorothy Kim
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Ernest Hemingway
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Eugene Burdick
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Francisco Cantú
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
George Orwell
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Harper Lee
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Haruki Murakami
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Herman Melville
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
I F Stone
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
James Baldwin
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Jean Raspail
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Jennifer Egan
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Jonathan Safran Foer
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Jorge Luis Borges
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Joseph Arthur de Gobineau
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Joseph Campbell
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Joseph Conrad
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Joseph Heller
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Kurt Vonnegut
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Leo Tolstoy
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Lorraine Hansberry
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Marcel Proust
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Margaret Atwood
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Marin Sardy
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Michael Ignatieff
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Min Jin Lee
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Miriam Toews
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Natasha Lennard
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Orhan Pamuk
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Ottessa Moshfegh
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Peter Schweizer
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Government Accountability Institute
Phyllis Schlafly
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Ray Bradbury
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Renaud Camus
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
People involved in white extremism
Robert Allan Caro
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Robert D Kaplan
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Salman Rushdie
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
People in and from the United Kingdom
Science fiction authors
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Science fiction
Shachar Pinsker
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Shoshana Zuboff
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
Václav Havel
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature
William Lederer
Authors, writers, playwrights and professors of literature