Recent activity


Eric Walker added "Internet filter bubbles" to Media fragmentation

Eric Walker added "ZeroHedge" to Zero Hedge

Eric Walker placed Zero Hedge under Libertarianism

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Zero Hedge to be "2009"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Zero Hedge to be "2025"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Zero Hedge to be "2025"

Eric Walker added "World is One News" to WION

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Bellingcat to be "2014"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Bellingcat to be "2022"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Bellingcat to be "2022"

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Disney

Eric Walker added "Disney" to The Walt Disney Company

Eric Walker added 2016 Bollea v Gawker and a number of links to Gawker Media, and added Gawker Media to Organizations involved with news and the media

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Organizations, businesses and work, and added Organizations, businesses and work to Society

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Newspapers and news organizations, and added Newspapers and news organizations to Organizations involved with news and the media