Eric Walker placed Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China under Detention and imprisonment in China
Eric Walker removed "2014 Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China" from Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China
Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China
Eric Walker added "Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China" to and removed "2014 Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China " from 2014 Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China
Eric Walker added China cuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization to Uighurs in China
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to 2014 Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China , and added 2014 Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China to a number of topics
Eric Walker added World Uyghur Congress, Uighurs in Turkey and Uighurs in China to Uighurs, and added Uighurs to Races and ethnic groups
Eric Walker added 2014 Detention and surveillance of Uighurs in China and a number of links to Uighurs in China, and added Uighurs in China to Uighurs and Population of China
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Population of China, and added Population of China to China