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Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Unidentified drones observed flying over parts of Colorado to be "2020-01"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Unidentified drones observed flying over parts of Colorado to be "2020"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Unidentified drones observed flying over parts of Colorado to be "2022"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Unidentified drones observed flying over parts of Colorado to be "2024"

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Unidentified drones observed flying over parts of Colorado

Eric Walker added "Unidentified drones observed flying over parts of Colorado" to Drones in Colorado

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Drones observed near US bases around the world to be "2024-12"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Drones observed near US bases around the world to be "2024"

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for Drones connected to the United States

Eric Walker added "Drones connected to the United States" to Drones in the United States

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Drones and robots, and added Drones and robots to Devices, machines, vehicles and robots and Aircraft

Eric Walker added a number of links to Drones in Colorado, and added Drones in Colorado to Colorado and Drones in the United States

Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to United States, and added United States to North America