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Eric Walker placed Animal Welfare Act under Animalia

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Animal Welfare Act to be "1966"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Animal Welfare Act to be "2023"

Eric Walker added "CHIPS-Plus" to CHIPS Act

Eric Walker added "Making appropriations for Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes" to CHIPS Act

Eric Walker added "Research and Development, Competition, and Innovation Act Supreme Court Security Funding Act" to CHIPS Act

Eric Walker added "CHIPS and Science Act" to CHIPS Act

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for CHIPS Act to be "2022"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for CHIPS Act to be "2023"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for CHIPS Act to be "2023"

Eric Walker placed CHIPS Act under China and computer chips

Eric Walker placed CHIPS Act under Acts of the US Congress

Eric Walker placed Slave Trade Act under Acts of the US Congress

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) to be "1933"

Eric Walker updated the time prefix for National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) to be "2022"

Eric Walker removed "National Industrial Recovery Act" from National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Eric Walker reordered the synonyms for National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Eric Walker added "National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)" to National Industrial Recovery Act

Eric Walker added Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act - Wikipedia to a number of topics

Eric Walker added a number of links to Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and added Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to Acts of the US Congress

Eric Walker added a number of links to TAIPEI Act, and added TAIPEI Act to China, Taiwan and the United States and Acts of the US Congress

Eric Walker added 1968 Fair Housing Act (FHA) and 1968 Anti-Riot Act and a number of links to Civil Rights Act of 1968, and added Civil Rights Act of 1968 to a number of topics

Eric Walker added 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and a number of links to Civil Rights Act of 1964, and added Civil Rights Act of 1964 to a number of topics