Eric Walker placed Balaji Srinivasan under People involved in politics and government in the United States
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Balaji Srinivasan to be "1980"
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Balaji Srinivasan to be "2025"
Eric Walker removed Peter Thiel from Libertarianism
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Peter Thiel to be "1967"
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Peter Thiel to be "2025"
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Steve Jobs to be "1955"
Eric Walker updated the time prefix for Steve Jobs to be "2023"
Eric Walker added Steve Jobs to People in business
Eric Walker added Jack Welch extracted record profits from GE for 20 years, but left it a hollowed-out "pile of shit," according to his successor. What exactly did Welch do that was so damaging, and how did he get away with it for so long? : AskHistorians to Bill Gates, and added Bill Gates to People in business
Eric Walker added QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded to Henry Ford, and added Henry Ford to People in business
Eric Walker added Jared Kushner and the Trump administration and a number of links to Jared Kushner, and added Jared Kushner to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Organizations, businesses and work, and added Organizations, businesses and work to Society
Eric Walker added Revan McQueen and William Winkler to People at Ackerman McQueen, and added People at Ackerman McQueen to Ackerman McQueen and People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Mark Zuckerberg, and added Mark Zuckerberg to People involved in philanthropy and People in business
Eric Walker added It's who you know: How a soldier convicted of murder got Trump to pardon him to Sholom Rubashkin, and added Sholom Rubashkin to People in business
Eric Walker added Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos, The Washington Post and Amazon and Jeff Bezos and the National Enquirer and a number of links to Jeff Bezos, and added Jeff Bezos to People in business
Eric Walker added Secrecy, Self-Dealing, and Greed at the N.R.A. | The New Yorker to Bill Powers, and added Bill Powers to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Philip Anschutz, and added Philip Anschutz to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Erik Prince, and added Erik Prince to People in business
Eric Walker added Tony Hsieh and Reid Hoffman to People in the technology industry, and added People in the technology industry to Tech companies and People in business
Eric Walker added One Month, 500,000 Face Scans: How China Is Using A.I. to Profile a Minority - The New York Times to Kai-Fu Lee, and added Kai-Fu Lee to People in business
Eric Walker added The Terrifying Potential of the 5G Network | The New Yorker to Ren Zhegfei, and added Ren Zhegfei to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Josiah Wedgwood, and added Josiah Wedgwood to People in business
Eric Walker added What Happens to a Factory Town When the Factory Shuts Down? - The New York Times to Dave Green, and added Dave Green to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Joel Spolsky, and added Joel Spolsky to Computer scientists and software developers and People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Elizabeth Holmes, and added Elizabeth Holmes to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Donald Trump, and added Donald Trump to Trump family, People in and from New York and People in business
Eric Walker added a number of topics to People in business, and added People in business to People and Organizations, businesses and work
Eric Walker added a number of links to Jeremy Grantham, and added Jeremy Grantham to People involved in finance, investing and stocks and People in business
Eric Walker added Secrecy, Self-Dealing, and Greed at the N.R.A. | The New Yorker to Angus McQueen, and added Angus McQueen to People involved with the National Rifle Association and People in business
Eric Walker added What Happens to a Factory Town When the Factory Shuts Down? - The New York Times to Mary Barra, and added Mary Barra to People in business
Eric Walker added Eugene V. Debs and the Endurance of Socialism | The New Yorker to Jennie Curtis, and added Jennie Curtis to People in business
Eric Walker added Eugene V. Debs and the Endurance of Socialism | The New Yorker to George Mortimer Pullman, and added George Mortimer Pullman to People in business
Eric Walker added 2018-12 United States makes a request for Meng Wanzhou to be extradited from Canada, Zhou Daiqi and Ren Zhengfei to People at Huawei, and added People at Huawei to Huawei and People in business
Eric Walker added 2016 Bollea v Gawker and a number of links to Peter Thiel, and added Peter Thiel to Libertarianism and People in business
Eric Walker added Elon Musk and Twitter and 2022-02 Elon Musk makes Starlink available to Ukrainians following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a number of links to Elon Musk, and added Elon Musk to People in business
Eric Walker added Mozilla CEO steps down due to political backlash to Brendan Eich, and added Brendan Eich to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Chris Hughes, and added Chris Hughes to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of links to Simon Sinek, and added Simon Sinek to People in business
Eric Walker added a number of topics to People at Boeing, and added People at Boeing to People in business and Boeing
Eric Walker added a number of topics to People at Koch Industries, and added People at Koch Industries to Koch Industries and People in business
Eric Walker added a number of topics and a number of links to Pre-historic, historic and present-day people, and added Pre-historic, historic and present-day people to Humans