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Richard Spencer
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People involved in white extremism in the United States
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Daily Caller Editor Wrote for Alt-Right Radix Journal - The Atlantic
Richard Spencer
The Daily Caller
A Former Alt-Right Member’s Message: Get Out While You Still Can
1967 Peter Thiel
1973 Curtis Yarvin
2014 2014 Gamergate (harassment campaign)
2017 Stephen Miller and the Trump administration
American Renaissance (magazine)
Breitbart News
David Irving
Ian Smith
Joe Sobran
John Elliott
Katie McHugh
Kevin DeAnna
Kevin MacDonald
Milo Yiannopoulos
Neil Patel
Peter Brimelow
Richard Spencer
Scott Greer
Steve Bannon and the Trump administration
The Daily Caller
White resentment, white identity politics and white extremism
William F Buckley Jr
A Plot in L.A. to Avenge the Christchurch Shooting | The New Yorker
2017-08 Unite the Right rally
2019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings
Antonio Foreman
Articles in the New Yorker
Black Lives Matter (BLM)
Long Beach, California
Mark Steven Domingo
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Richard Spencer
Tim Gionet
United Patriot National Front (UPNF)
ANALYSIS—Richard Spencer: A Man For People Who Find NPR Too Slow - GotNews
Katie McHugh
Richard Spencer
Accelerationism: the idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the world - Vox
1962 Nick Land
1967 Peter Thiel
1973 Curtis Yarvin
2017-08 Unite the Right rally
2018-08 Unite the Right 2
2019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings
2019-04 Poway synagogue shooting
2019-08 El Paso Walmart shooting
American Nazi Party
Articles in Vox
Bowl Gang
Brendan Tarrant
Charles Manson
Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU, Ccru)
Dark Enlightenment
George Lincoln Rockwell
Great Replacement (conspiracy theory)
Iron March (website)
James Mason
Jared Taylor
Liberal democracy
Milo Yiannopoulos
National Socialist Order (NSO)
Neo-Nazi accelerationism
Neo-Nazi movement
Neo-reactionary movement (NRx)
Richard Spencer
Steve Bannon and the Trump administration
White resentment, white identity politics and white extremism
Beyond Alt: Understanding the New Far Right
1962 Nick Land
Alternative for Germany
American Renaissance (magazine)
Andrew Anglin
Articles in New York magazine
Aryan Nations
Back to nature movement, survivalism and doomsday preppers
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Claremont Institute
Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys
Golden Dawn
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Illiberal democracy
Islamic State
Jared Taylor
Kotleba-People’s Party
Milo Yiannopoulos
Neo-reactionary movement (NRx)
Northern League
Paul Gottfried
Richard Spencer
South African First
Steve Sailer
Sweden Democrats
Taki Theodoracopulos
Biden Campaign Rejects Richard Spencer Endorsement, Condemns Views as 'Absolutely Repugnant'
Richard Spencer
Capitol Attack Could Fuel Extremist Recruitment For Years, Experts Warn - The New York Times
2017-08 Unite the Right rally
2020-04 Armed protesters enter Michigan capitol
2021-01 January 6
3 Percent United Patriots (3UP)
Ammon Bundy
Enrique Tarrio and the Proud Boys
Neo-Nazi movement
Oath Keepers and the Capitol riot
Opposition to to the Black Lives Matter protests
Proud Boys and the Capitol riot
Richard Spencer
United Citizens Alarm
White nationalism in the United States
Facebook Bans Network With ‘Boogaloo’ Ties - The New York Times
American Renaissance (magazine)
Content moderation at Facebook
Content moderation at Reddit
David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan
Pizzagate conspiracy theory
Richard Spencer
Stefan Molyneux
Tim Murtaugh and the 2020 Trump campaign
How a Small Town Silenced a Neo-Nazi Hate Campaign - The New York Times
National Policy Institute
Richard Spencer
Judge advises $14m in damages to Jewish woman targeted by neo-Nazi ‘troll storm’ | World news | The Guardian
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
Richard Spencer
Neo-Nazi networks exposed across US military - World Socialist Web Site
2017-08 Unite the Right rally
Identity Evropa
Nathan Damigo
Richard Spencer
Nietzsche’s Eternal Return | The New Yorker
1962 Aleksandr Dugin
Alain de Benoist
Arthur Schopenhauer
Articles in the New Yorker
Carl Schmitt
Friedrich Nietzsche
Martin Heidegger
Richard Spencer
Richard Wagner
Opinion | Trump Helps Bigots Go Viral - The New York Times
2017-08 Unite the Right rally
Alex Jones and InfoWars
Fox News
Hope Not Hate
Lauren Southern
Louis Farrakhan
Paul Joseph Watson and InfoWars
Richard Spencer
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories
White resentment, white identity politics and white extremism
Richard Spencer Backs Joe Biden, Says 'MAGA/Alt-Right Moment is Over'
Richard Spencer
The Billionaires Behind the Far-Right
1967 Peter Thiel
Arron Banks
Breitbart News
Cambridge Analytica
David Horowitz Freedom Center
English Defence League (EDL)
National Policy Institute
Nigel Farage
Palmer Luckey
Renaissance Technologies
Richard Spencer
Robert Mercer
Robert Shillman
Steve Bannon and the Trump administration
The Rebel
Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League
William Regnery II
The French Origins of “You Will Not Replace Us” | The New Yorker
1962 Aleksandr Dugin
2015 Germany receives millions of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere
2017-08 Unite the Right rally
2022-05 Buffalo shooting
Alain de Benoist
American Renaissance (magazine)
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Carl Schmitt
Charles de Gaulle
Daniel Friberg
Great Replacement (conspiracy theory)
Guillaume Faye
Immigration to France
Islamophobia and anti-Muslim extremism
Lauren Southern
Marine Le Pen and the National Rally
National Policy Institute
Neo-reactionary movement (NRx)
Renaud Camus
Richard Spencer
Steve Bannon and Breitbart News
The Global Machine Behind the Rise of Far-Right Nationalism - The New York Times
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Articles in the New York Times
Autodoc GmbH
Breitbart News
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Gatestone Institute
Granskning Sverige
Law and Justice Party
RT (TV network)
Racism and xenophobia in Europe
Richard Spencer
Russian online influence campaign
Sputnik (news agency)
Sweden Democrats
Viktor Orbán
The Making of a YouTube Radical - The New York Times
2019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings
Alex Jones and InfoWars
Articles in the New York Times
Brittany Pettibone
Caleb Cain
Content moderation at YouTube
David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan
Farshad Shadloo
Jared Taylor
Kevin Roose
Lauren Southern
Natalie Wynn
Paul Joseph Watson and InfoWars
Pizzagate conspiracy theory
Pluralism, multiculturalism, xenophobia, chauvinism and racism
Richard Spencer
Stefan Molyneux
Steven Bonnell
Steven Crowder
Technology businesses, freedom of speech and censorship
YouTube's recommendation algorithm
The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It’s that, but way way weirder. - Vox
1962 Nick Land
1973 Curtis Yarvin
2014 2014 Gamergate (harassment campaign)
2017 Presidency of Donald Trump
American Renaissance (magazine)
Articles in Vox
Bryan Caplan
Golden Dawn
John Derbyshire
Joseph Sobran
Michael Anissimov
Michael Perilloux
Milo Yiannopoulos
Neo-reactionary movement (NRx)
Occidental Observer
Pat Buchanan
Richard Spencer
Taki Theodoracopulos
VDARE (website)
What Is the Great Replacement? - The New York Times
1973 The Camp of the Saints
1978 The Turner Diaries
Articles in the New York Times
Great Replacement (conspiracy theory)
Northwest Imperative
Renaud Camus
Richard Spencer
Why Breitbart Fired an Editor for a Tweet - The Atlantic
Alex Marlow
Breitbart News
Katie McHugh
Mike Cernovich
Richard Spencer
Steve Bannon and the Trump administration
The Daily Caller
Vox Day
Why a Banking Heiress Spent Her Fortune on Keeping Immigrants Out - The New York Times
1924 Immigration Act
2017 Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice
2017 Stephen Miller and the Trump administration
American Border Patrol
American Immigration Control Foundation
Articles in the New York Times
Californians for Population Stabilization
Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)
Cordelia Scaife May
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI)
International Services Assistance Fund
Jared Taylor
Kellyanne Conway
Kris Kobach and Republican efforts to restrict voting
Pioneer Fund
Planned Parenthood
Population-Environment Balance
Richard Mellon Scaife
Richard Spencer
Social Contract Press
US English (organization)
US Inc
William H. Regnery II, 80, Dies; Bankrolled the Rise of the Alt-Right - The New York Times
National Policy Institute
Richard Spencer
White nationalism in the United States