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Robert Mercer
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Mercer family
People in the Koch network
Renaissance Technologies
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Carole Cadwalladr: Facebook's role in Brexit -- and the threat to democracy | TED Talk
Arron Banks
Cambridge Analytica
Carole Cadwalladr
Christopher Wiley and Cambridge Analytica
Julian Assange
Mark Zuckerberg
Meta (company)
Nigel Farage
Robert Mercer
Roger Stone and the 2016 Trump campaign
Inside the life and career of Robert Mercer, a former Trump mega donor - Business Insider
Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign
Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign
Robert Mercer
John Bolton on the Warpath | The New Yorker
1823 Monroe Doctrine
1961-04 Bay of Pigs invasion
1969 Presidency of Richard Nixon
1976 Buckley v Valeo
1991 Clarence Thomas and the US Supreme Court
2001 Presidency of George W Bush
2001 Vice presidency of Dick Cheney
2001-09 September 11 attacks
2014 Presidency of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
2017 Iran and the Trump administration
2018 Mike Pompeo and the US State Department
2018-04 Douma chemical attack
Alexander Torshin
American Enterprise Institute
Articles in the New Yorker
Barry Goldwater
Brent Scowcroft
Cambridge Analytica
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Colin Powell
Fox News
Herbert Raymond McMaster
Internet Research Agency (IRA)
John Bolton Super PAC
John Bolton and the Gatestone Institute
John Bolton and the NRA
John Bolton and the NSC
José Bustani
Kim Jong Un
Lawrence Wilkerson
Maria Butina
Milton Friedman
Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK)
National Rifle Association (NRA)
North Korea
Ralph Winter
Rhône Group
Robert Bork
Robert Mercer
Russia and the United States
Sarah Tinsley
Sheldon Adelson
Spiro Agnew
Venezuela and the Trump administration
Viktor Pinchuk
Opinion | Who’s Behind the ‘Reopen’ Protests? - The New York Times
2020 Protests against stay-at-home orders in the United States during the Covid-19 pandemic
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Articles in the New York Times
In Pursuit Of
Koch network
Mark Meckler
Michael Best & Friedrich
Michigan Conservative Coalition
Michigan Freedom Fund
Robert Mercer
Scott Walker
Stephen Moore
Rebranding the Koch Brothers | The New Yorker
1970 Clean Air Act
1995 Jane Mayer and the New Yorker
2007 Michele Bachmann and the US House of Representatives
2013 Senatorship of Ted Cruz
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFPF)
Arthur C Brooks
Articles in the New York Times
Bob Goodlatte
Charles Koch Institute
David Dziok
David Uhlmann
Freedom Partners (FP)
Harry Reid
Heritage Foundation
House Judiciary Committee
James Otteson
John Birch Society
Koch Industries
Koch political network
Lee Fang
Mark Holden
Melissa Cohlmia
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)
Norman Reimer
Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC)
Richard Fink
Robert Mercer
Sally Yates
Senate Judiciary Committee
Steve Lombardo
The Billionaires Behind the Far-Right
1967 Peter Thiel
Arron Banks
Breitbart News
Cambridge Analytica
David Horowitz Freedom Center
English Defence League (EDL)
National Policy Institute
Nigel Farage
Palmer Luckey
Renaissance Technologies
Richard Spencer
Robert Mercer
Robert Shillman
Steve Bannon and the Trump administration
The Rebel
Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League
William Regnery II
The Chaotic Triumph of Arron Banks, the “Bad Boy of Brexit” | The New Yorker
1985-10 Broadwater Farm riot
2014-02 Russia annexes Crimea
2016 Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election
2016-06 Orlando nightclub shooting
2016-06 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum
2017-06 Murder of Jo Cox
2018-03 Sergei and Yulia Skripal poisoned with Novichok
Alastair Campbell
Alexander Udod
Alexander Yakovenko
Alrosa PJSC
Andy Wigmore
Articles in the New Yorker
Boris Volodarsky
Cambridge Analytica
Carole Cadwalladr
Collective narcissism
Commonwealth of Nations
Conservative Party (United Kingdom)
David Cameron
Eldon Insurance
George Soros
Gerry Gunster
Hawks (South Africa)
Jim Mellon
Labour Party
Liz Bilney
National Crime Agency (United Kingdom)
Nigel Farage
Open Democracy
Remain (Brexit)
Robert Mercer
Russian online influence campaign
Siman Povarenkin
South Africa
Southern Rock Insurance Company Limited
Steve Bannon and the Trump administration
Theresa May
Trump–Russia dossier
UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Vote Leave
The Invention of the Conspiracy Theory on Biden and Ukraine | The New Yorker
1995 Jane Mayer and the New Yorker
2016 Ambassadorship of Marie Yovanovitch
Articles in the New Yorker
Government Accountability Institute
Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Viktor Shokin, Mykola Zlochevsky and Burisma Holdings
John Solomon
People at and involved with Breitbart News
Peter Schweizer
Rebekah Mercer
Robert Mercer
Sean Hannity and Fox News
Yuriy Lutsenko
The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
1968 Civil Rights Act of 1968
1995 Jane Mayer and the New Yorker
2009 Presidency of Barack Obama
2010 Citizens United v FEC
2017 Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice
2017 Michael Flynn and the Trump administration
Accuracy in Media
Andrew Breitbart
Arthur Robinson
Articles in the New Yorker
Bannon Strategic Advisors
Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories
Breitbart News
Centre Firearms Co
Charles and David Koch
Citizens United
Climate change skepticism, denial and politics
David Bossie
David Magerman
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Glittering Steel
Goldman Sachs
Government Accountability Institute
Hilary Clinton
John Bolton and Fox News
John Bolton and the Trump administration
Kellyanne Conway
Medallion Fund
Michal Kosinski
Milo Yiannopoulos
Moving Picture Institute
Myths and conspiracy theories
Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Park51 (Ground Zero mosque)
Peter Schweizer
Reclaim New York
Renaissance Technologies
Robert Mercer
SCL Group (Strategic Communication Laboratories)
Sam Nunberg
Statistical machine translation
Steve Bannon and Goldman Sachs
The American Spectator
William Kristol
William Lee Hanley
Trump's biggest donor wages war against the IRS: Billionaire Robert Mercer's fighting nearly $7 billion in back taxes | Salon.com
Robert Mercer